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Financial management, budgeting, and reporting include all the elements needed to generate a world-class finance function. This function faces special challenges attributable to increasingly complex demands such as driving value creation, facilitating strategic decisions, and providing transparency in external reporting.

We assist in creating a successful finance function—from redefining the role of the finance to improving its design and core processes, such as planning.

In a booming mergers market, any proposal may look attractive, but relatively few will deliver value. To identify the best opportunities and achieve a good deal requires better industry insight and strong execution skills.

Our services are tailor made to our clients' business needs depending on their long-term or short-term capital investment decisions. We support our clients throughout the transaction process by offering services. In typically engagements one or more of the following activities are involved:

  • Business plan creation

  • Investment/divestment targeting and appraisal

  • Commercial due diligence and conducting investigations

  • Valuation

  • Post-transaction support: post merger integration

  • Post-transaction support: working capital release

  • Restructurings and work-outs

  • Strategic financial modeling

Besides, we also offer the advice on the following services:

  • Financing backed by Assets

  • Work with Angel investors, private equity

  • Debt and Export financing

  • Letters of Credit, Overdraft and Trust Receipt loans

  • Management buy-outs and buy-ins

  • Tax planning

  • Offshore advice

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MAP Asia Pacific Limited

Suite 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza,

84 To Kwa Wan Road,

Kowloon, Hong Kong


Tel: 27902006

Fax: 27902120



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