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In present economy, the companies must cut on their costs or the least to keep them under control and become lean to move faster and grow more efficiently. They must reinforce their core capabilities and develop the capacity for ongoing changes. With this fierce competition and global economic turmoil it has become even more important to reduce cost and increase speed, flexibility, and revenues.


We work to implement the best possible solution and build capabilities within the organization by assisting in:

  • Cost Efficiency and Asset Optimization to improve cash flow.

  • To be Lean as a way to transform the business competitiveness

  • Flexible manufacturing networks that can adapt quickly to changing market needs

  • Outsourcing and Offshore Business-Process which can improve quality and productivity, provide new sources of revenue, open up new markets, and deliver a sustainable cost benefit.

  • Program Management to ensure the efforts delivers the intended results.

  • Service Operations.

  • Reduce unnecessary complexity, develop needed purchasing strategies, and construct stronger and more-productive relationships with suppliers.

  • Redesign the supply chains for optimal flexibility and the strategic advantage gained by being able to deliver the right product—at the right time and in the right way.

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MAP Asia Pacific Limited

Suite 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza,

84 To Kwa Wan Road,

Kowloon, Hong Kong


Tel: 27902006

Fax: 27902120



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