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What we do ABOUT US

the companies or organizations who may be in any kind of business and when they have


something pressing on their minds—whether it is a major strategic or operational, sourcing need, expansion or an organizational challenge. They look to us for honest, objective, thoughtful, and experienced advice.

They will speak to us when they find themselves under pressure to deliver results. They call us in uncertain times. They talk to us when information is difficult to get and insights are scarce. They call us when they need to make decisions that will have major consequences for their people, their organizations, and the countries in which they operate. They call us when they want a truly global perspective.

With our broad reach across industries, functions, and geographies, we understand what our clients are really looking for. We live where they live. We understand their business.

We help people and companies explore extraordinary opportunities, manage and sustain growth, and maximize revenue.

© 2018 MAP Asia Pacific Limited  |  DISCLAIMER

MAP Asia Pacific Limited

Suite 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza,

84 To Kwa Wan Road,

Kowloon, Hong Kong


Tel: 27902006

Fax: 27902120



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