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are the trusted advisor and counselor to many of the businesses and institutions in Asia Pacific. We serve both private and public owned companies who are listed on the Stock Exchange. We have served in the past as board member and top management


of some international companies. We have wide range of experience in different categories of businesses as well as excellent contacts across the industries.

We are problem solvers with a passion for excellence. We are intellectually curious and highly collaborative.

We don’t regard individuals based on their title, but their competence and leadership. We uphold the obligation – not a right, but an obligation – for one of our team member to question anything that he or she feels is not right for a client.

come from Asia Pacific, headquartered in Hong Kong but with our associates in USA, Italy, Greater China and India. We all are enriched with great experience and all kinds of backgrounds and areas of expertise. We represent companies from 


various background with different working culture and style. Our experts are based in different parts of the world which counts towards our assets.

We are a network of leaders. What always look for leadership potential, integrity, a sharp analytical mind, creativity, and the ability to work with people at all levels in an organization.


We are not a company tied to earnings pressures. Instead, we constantly measure new ideas, opportunities, and ways of working with our clients. When they fall short our choices are easy, clear, emphatic, and final: We say “no thank you.” When they measure up, our choices are equally easy, clear, emphatic, and final: We say “yes” and put the full weight of our expertise behind them.


© 2018 MAP Asia Pacific Limited  |  DISCLAIMER

MAP Asia Pacific Limited

Suite 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza,

84 To Kwa Wan Road,

Kowloon, Hong Kong


Tel: 27902006

Fax: 27902120



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